A “making of” video by KQED about the layered ‘hybrid films” of Manu Mukherje…

In the latest episode of Art School, Mukherjee unpacks the narrative and details behind her newest piece, Home and the World, which examines cultural hybridity, the aftermath of colonialism, and feminist questions.

Only wish she could have gotten down to some of the nuts and bolts of her layering process. The video is worth watching on many levels including her chaordic studio. I love looking at all of her tools, how she has them at the ready, how idiosyncratic it all is, yet managing to work through to done.

You can also contribute to the conversation here if you wish with Vialogues. I am finding myself more and more using video annotation as a way to integrate image/sound/meaning in the unique medium that film and video are. I have taken my notes and put them here if anyone else wants a go at analyzing and curating what I have already done: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Collapsing-Colonialism-w-Manu-Mukherjee-NFCRTLY4aUUvlJajxwjxv

Source: A “making of” video by KQED about the layered ‘hybrid films” of Manu Mukherje…