Let’s All Go to the Lobby and then Watch Some Movies?

Bart Miller pointed to a site I love and reminded me of all the good movies there.  And then I thought I might take some of my favorites and put them onto the ever cool streaming movie platform, Synchtube.


And after you have gone to the lobby to get yourself some food, settle in and watch some of these awesome movies.

1. No Maps for These Territories – Free – Brings you on a road trip and into the mind of cyberspace visionary William Gibson. (2000)

2. Symphony in Black: A Rhapsody of Negro Life – Free – A musical short that features Duke Ellington’s early extended piece, “A Rhapsody of Negro Life.” Stars 19-year-old Billie Holiday. (1935)

3. The History of the Typewriter Recited by Michael Winslow – Free-  – Sound effects genius Michael Winslow performs the sounds of 32 typewriters made between 1898-1983. (2010)

4. Žižek! – Free – A study of philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Zizek, “Academic Rock Star” and “Monster” of a Man. (2005)

5. You Don’t Know Jack – Free –  – Morgan Spurlock’s short documentary on the 15-year-old who invented a new way to detect early stage pancreatic cancer. (2013)

(200 Free Documentaries Online. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.openculture.com/free-documentaries-online)

You can go directly to the links above

You can go to my Synchtube Channel and view them in repertory: FreeOpenMovies4FreeOpenSociety

Or you can go to my YouTube Channel playlist below.

 Thanks to all for such an inspiring year.

4 thoughts on “Let’s All Go to the Lobby and then Watch Some Movies?

  1. As a documentary junkie, I appreciate this muchly! I watched the typewriter one – what a way to save such a lost art as typing and typewriters! Plus, of course, his immense talent. My mom was a secretary for thirty years; I am sure she can attest to its acuracy. When they first switched over to computers, she typed so fast that the computer could not keep up.

    Thanks, Terry. You inspire me.

    1. Yeah, I have that on my listen wishlist. Seems I am listening as much as reading. Just finished listening to a trilogy by Ben Winters called “The Last Detective”. Pre-apocalyptic and an oddly appropriate listen for the holidays on the theory that you don’t miss the water till the well runs dry.

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