Metamodernist Instructional Design and the False Goal of Primacy in MOOCs

This has been an interesting year in the MOOC discussion realm, with everything from MOOC 4.0 to arguments about who controls the conversation about MOOC research. But a strain that has always seem…


We’re here.

We’re fearless.

We’re failure free.



Now here’s the big question this article raises:  "What does it mean when we lose primacy and the threat of grades and failure?"

See on Scoop.itCLMOOC

One thought on “Metamodernist Instructional Design and the False Goal of Primacy in MOOCs

  1. I think people become educated because they want to learn something new (intrinsic) or because they need credentials (extrinsic) for employment. Currently, MOOCs respond well to the first, but not the latter, as they are not considered “good enough.”

    Hopefully, there will be a continued drift toward the use of badges or similar as forms of formal credentials. I think MOOCs will work well for that. Also, there has been a movement with some MOOCs to offer a “for [small] $$$” option, which provides a “Certificate.” I don’t know how seriously they are regarded by the work world, but that may also change over time.

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